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Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "decerebrated" в других словарях:

  • decerebrated — v. cause decerebration; remove surgically the cerebrum (in an experimental animal), cut the brain stem (of an animal); remove cerebral brain function by surgically removing the cerebrum; make incapable of cerebral activity adj. having lost all… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • decerebrate — decerebration, n. v. /dee ser euh brayt /; n. /dee ser euh brayt , brit/, v., decerebrated, decerebrating, n. v.t. 1. Surg. to remove the cerebrum. n. 2. a decerebrated animal. 3. a person who, because of brain injury, exhibits behavior… …   Universalium

  • decerebrate — v. cause decerebration; remove surgically the cerebrum (in an experimental animal), cut the brain stem (of an animal); remove cerebral brain function by surgically removing the cerebrum; make incapable of cerebral activity adj. having lost all… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • decerebrates — v. cause decerebration; remove surgically the cerebrum (in an experimental animal), cut the brain stem (of an animal); remove cerebral brain function by surgically removing the cerebrum; make incapable of cerebral activity adj. having lost all… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • decerebrating — v. cause decerebration; remove surgically the cerebrum (in an experimental animal), cut the brain stem (of an animal); remove cerebral brain function by surgically removing the cerebrum; make incapable of cerebral activity adj. having lost all… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • decerebrate — verb (t) /diˈsɛrəbreɪt/ (say dee seruhbrayt) (decerebrated, decerebrating) 1. Surgery to eliminate cerebral function in (an animal) by severing the connection between the brain or a part of the brain and the nervous system. –adjective… …  

  • decerebrate — [dē ser′ə brāt΄] adj. of or having to do with an animal or person lacking cerebral functions, as in consequence of an experiment or an illness n. a decerebrate animal or person vt. decerebrated, decerebrating to eliminate cerebral functions of… …   English World dictionary

  • de|cer|e|brate — «dee SEHR uh brayt», verb, brat|ed, brat|ing, adjective. –v.t. to remove the cerebrum from: »to decerebrate a frog. –adj. 1. decerebrated. 2. lacking reason or intelligence: »the decerebrate acts of a mob …   Useful english dictionary

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